35% Yes
64% No
2% Not sure
68% Yes
20% No
12% Not sure
23% Main reason
51% Top two
23% Important but not top two
3% Not important
0% Not sure
63% Yes
27% No
10% Not sure
70% Very important
25% Somewhat important
4% Not very important
1% Not at all important
1% Not sure
45% Yes
39% No
16% Not sure
70% Yes
20% No
10% Not sure
30% Very concerned
44% Somewhat concerned
17% Not very concerned
6% Not at all concerned
3% Not sure
57% Reduce
28% Current level
7% Increase
8% Not sure
11% 2 million +
9% 1.5 million
23% 1 million
20% 0.5 million
25% 100k or less
13% Not sure
75% Yes
10% No
15% Not sure
74% Yes
13% No
13% Not sure
20% Strongly favor
32% Somewhat favor
19% Somewhat oppose
17% Strongly oppose
12% Not sure
53% Yes
17% No
30% Not sure
17% Yes
70% No
13% Not sure
Photography by Holly Pippel
83% Yes
16% No
1% Not sure
84% Yes
14% No
2% Not sure
18% Once
53% 2 to 6 times
13% 7 to 12 times
16% More than 12 times
1% Not sure
53% Never or less than once per year
38% Once or twice
4% 3 to 6 times
1% 7 to 12 times
1% More than 12 times
3% Not sure
26% Main reason
53% Top two
18% Important but not top two
3% Not important
1% Not sure
83% Yes
13% No
4% Not sure
76% Very important
19% Somewhat important
3% Not very important
1% Not at all important
1% Not sure
68% Yes
23% No
9% Not sure
36% Very concerned
39% Somewhat concerned
16% Not very concerned
5% Not at all concerned
4% Not sure
68% Yes
17% No
16% Not sure
59% Reduce
27% Current level
7% Increase
7% Not sure
77% Yes
9% No
14% Not sure
76% Yes
14% No
10% Not sure
86% Yes
8% No
6% Not sure
24% Strongly favor
31% Somewhat favor
20% Somewhat oppose
16% Strongly oppose
10% Not sure
64% Yes
15% No
21% Not sure
20% Yes
69% No
11% Not sure
37% Natural beauty and wildlife
6% Recreation opportunities
12% Low crime
10% Affordable housing and cost of living
18% Family ties
11% Some other reason
6% Not sure
Photography by Holly Pippel