The Big Picture


Sprawl Still a Problem After All These Years (and Americans and Coloradans Are Still Concerned)


Which states have sprawled the most in recent decades? Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, and California are the top 5 sprawlers.  Texas alone sprawled over 6,630 square miles in this time period, 52% more than the second-place state, Florida.  Texans have witnessed and experienced this explosive growth firsthand.  Colorado is ranked 21st nationally in terms of the amount of Open Space lost to urban sprawl and development from 1982 to 2017. 

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Table 1. Sprawl in 49 States, 1982-2017, Ranked by Increase in Land Area
Sprawl Ranking 1982-2017 State Overall Sprawl (in square miles), 1982-2017
Total 68,560

Source: 2017 NRCS National Resources Inventory; Table 1
Note:  Includes all states except Alaska; does not include territories

Source: 2017 NRCS National Resources Inventory; Table 1
Note:  Includes all states except Alaska; does not include territories

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Table 3. Cumulative Sprawl in 49 States, Ranked by Total Developed Land Area in 2017
Cumulative Sprawl Ranking State Cumulative Sprawl (square miles) in 2017
Total Sprawl 179,807
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Table 2. Sprawl in 49 States, 2002-2017, Ranked by Increase in Land Area
Sprawl Ranking 2002-2017 State Overall Sprawl (in square miles), 2002-2017
Total 17,793

Source: 2017 NRCS National Resources Inventory; Table 1
Note:  Includes all states except Alaska; does not include territories

North Carolina Sprawl